Sunday, September 20, 2009

Last Film Screening Correction

Our last film screening will be this Tuesday, September 22, at the Laredo Public Library, from 6-8 p.m. We apologize for the wrong date on this blog in the schedule. Although this was the original date, the library closes early on Monday. Hope to see everyone there Tuesday. Also, if you want to bring cans of food, we will be accepting them at the library Tuesday evening during the screening. Thanks for all the food and all the help making this one of the best-read books in Laredo.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Upcoming book discussion, food drive, media

The next book discussion is coming up!

Book Discussion 3
Saturday, September 12, 2 - 4 p.m.
Laredo Public Library

We hope you will join. Our discussions get a dialogue going within the community and breeds understanding between people on all sides of the immigration debate. We believe the book, however, is a simple story that anybody could relate to.

The schedule says a food drive is planned this Sunday, but it has been moved because of conflicts. We are planning another drive to make up for it in November to go along with HOSA week. You can still bring cans to the upcoming book discussions to receive tickets for Ms. Nazario's visit.

$120 will feed a family of four for a year through the food bank and Feed America. Every bit counts!

In other news, there was an article in the LareDOS paper about The Food for Thought Foundation and Sonia Nazario's visit.